Antonis Davanellos

Analysis Europe World

Greece: End of an era for SYRIZA

In the party elections for the succession of Alexis Tsipras as party leader, Stefanos Kaselakis prevailed, winning 56 percent. He is a new “star” who hasn’t even been a party member and who neither has nor claims any connection to the organized political Left whatsoever, either with its history or with its prospects.

Analysis Europe World

June 25 elections in Greece

The June 25 elections in Greece confirmed, but also reinforced, the harsh negative features of the results of the “first round” of the May 21 election. In the new parliament, the sum of the right and the far-right parties reached 200 seats (out of a total of 300), thus creating a correlation of parliamentary forces that is unprecedented in the years following the overthrow of the military dictatorship in 1974.

News Reports

Farewell to Ahmed Shawki

Ahmed was a sensational political orator, a great propagandist of revolutionary Marxist ideas. As an editor of his organization’s journal, he made International Socialist Review a “center” for Marxist debates with and international reach.

Analysis Europe World

Greece: A deep and menacing crisis

On the roots of this situation lies the social question, the explosive growth of social inequalities as a result of Mitsotakis’ ultra-neoliberal economic and social policies. Austerity in Greece is devastating, pushing the actual income of working-class households below 50% of the corresponding average for member-states of the Eurozone.