
Analysis Latin America World

Haiti’s people have never been allowed to control their own destiny

Just as European colonizers claimed that they were on a “civilizing mission” when they invaded, occupied, and plundered Black and Brown nations over a period of centuries, the U.S.’s stated aim of “helping” Haiti is likewise patently false. The U.S. has controlled Haiti’s destiny for over a century, and building a genuine democracy there has never been on the U.S.’s agenda.

Analysis Middle East World

The new Nakba and its consequences

Rafah is the only significant location in Gaza that has not yet endured a sustained attack by the IDF. The Israeli army has gained at least some ability to function in the rest of Gaza. Therefore, the attack on Rafah would be the culmination of this phase of the Israeli offensive. The countdown to the attack on Rafah forms the background to all other events surrounding the war.

Analysis Middle East World

The impending attack on Rafah

The Palestinian death toll currently stands at 28,858. We should expect that number to increase sharply in the near future. First, fighting in over-crowded Rafah will lead to a large number of civilian casualties. Secondly, deaths from non-combat causes such as hunger, disease, and exposure will begin to mount as people are forced to stay in subhuman living conditions for increasing periods of time.

Analysis Middle East World

Gaza: The descent into barbarism

At the time of writing, the Hamas leadership is considering the latest set of proposals. It’s very hard to read what’s really going on. There is any amount of political posturing coupled with diplomatic intrigue taking place. The significant role of espionage organizations in the negotiations only muddies the waters further.

Analysis Middle East World

Israeli assault continues into 2024

The Israeli War Cabinet has a very clear objective for 2024, to evict as many Palestinians as possible from Gaza. In so doing, it will hope to take a major step towards its long term objective of creating a land free of Palestinians, “from the river to the sea”.

Analysis Global Economy World

Forecast 2024: Stagnation, elections and AI

To get a step-change in the profitability of global capital would require a major cleansing (slump) to remove the weak (zombies) and raise unemployment in low-value sectors.  So far, such a ‘liquidation’ or ‘creative destruction’ policy has not gained support in the mainstream or in official policy circles.  ‘Muddling through’ is better.

Analysis Middle East World

Palestine solidarity: Perspectives and debates

The current wave of Palestinian solidarity demonstrations is the biggest opportunity  for rebuilding the revolutionary left in years. It’s no secret that the past decades have been cruel ones for the revolutionary left. Our organizations have divided and shrunk. The dissolution of the International Socialist Organization in this country and the bitter split of the New Anticapitalist Party in France are only the best known examples of our retreat.

Analysis Middle East World

New stage in Israeli offensive

Israel is now turning its attentions to the southern part of Gaza. Of course, this is the part of Gaza that the Israeli government urged Palestinians to flee to as a “safe zone”. Now the “safe zone” itself is under heavy attack. This fact alone decisively dashes any illusion that Israel has any concern whatsoever for “civilian casualties”.

Analysis Middle East World

The Zionist genocidal war and its accomplices

The truth is that the current aggression against Gaza constitutes, in the clearest possible form, a genocidal war that includes mass murder and “ethnic cleansing”, two crimes against humanity in the classification of international law. These crimes exceed qualitatively everything committed by the Zionist armed forces since 1949 until today and are comparable to what happened during the Nakba.

Analysis Europe World

Far-right electoral victory in the Netherlands

That the right-wing won the recent Dutch elections was no surprise. What was surprising was how decisive the share of the far-right was in the overall right-wing victory. For Geert Wilders, the leader of the far-right Freedom Party (PVV), years of patience paid off while the incumbent right-wing party gambled and lost.