Us history is full of examples of how revolutionaries abandoned their project and dissolved into reformist organizations. Max Shachtman’s Workers’ Party is one historical example.
Greece after Tsipras: a left defeated, the right in power, and the new offensive
Antonis Davanellos analyses the political situation in Greece following the parliamentary elections last July, which saw the return of the right to power, the defeat of Syriza, and the failure of Left.
Bailing out the System: Reformist Socialism in Western Europe
Ian Birchall, in a chapter from his book Bailing Out the System, examines the history of European social democracy and its practical and theoretical limitations.
The rise and fall of Maoism
In what was originally a public presentation at a Socialism conference, Lance Selfa looks at origins of Maoism and its international impact.
The myth of rust-belt reactionaries
The argument that Trump’s base consists largely of rust-belt industrial is a flimsy argument based on false assumption, stereotypes, and false data.
Socialists and the Democratic Party
THE MASS outpouring of protest against Donald Trump and his policies has been inspiring, drawing out hundreds of thousands of people and creating a situation in which the possibilities for solidarity–in defending every group Trump attacks–have become more tangible. There is not only anger against Trump–and, of course, a great […]