Paul D'Amato

Marxist Education

Eric Blanc’s political metamorphosis

In a period of 8 years, Eric Blanc moved from being a keen critique of labor’s “suicidal subordination to the parties of the bosses” (2014) to the idea that the labor movement should engage in “some form of electoral alliance” with liberal Democrats (2022).


Tecumseh and a united Indian resistance

In honor of Indigenous People’s Day this week, we reprint here an article originally published in Socialist Workerin 2010, telling the story of the Native American leader Tecumseh and his vision of uniting Indian tribes into a single confederation.

Marxist Education

The myth of Lenin’s elitism

Lenin was fundamentally anti-elitist—not in the sense of anarchists who simply deny the necessity of leadership in struggle, but in the sense of grasping that leadership is a product of the uneven development of consciousness and activity in the working class…

Marxist Education

Imperialism, nationalism, and war

The understanding of the nature of the world system is, or should be, a central question for the Left in the United States. We live in what the Left used to call “the heart of the beast”—the largest world power on the planet—armed to the teeth with weaponry capable of […]

Analysis Politics United States

The struggle has moved far “Beyond Bernie”

Bernie Sanders ended his second presidential bid in April—endorsing Joe Biden and urging his supporters to vote for him. Since then, the political climate in the U.S. has been transformed. The Covid-19 pandemic, the ensuing economic crisis and large scale unemployment, followed suddenly by the mass uprisings triggered by the […]

News Reports

Lal Khan: What a heart has ceased to beat

The following three articles are from the Asian Marxist Review. In addition to the announcement of his death, for the benefit of readers we republish two articles by Lal Khan from November 18, 2018 and March 3, 2019 from the Asian Marxist Review. The first is on the future prospects […]

Marxist Education

Marxists and Elections

Paul D’Amato, former managing editor of the International Socialist Review and author of Meaning of Marxism surveys how Marxists have approached elections in this article originally published in the ISR in 2000. The article is especially relevant in the current period as many on the US left, including former leading […]