And when Pavel called his wife for the last time, he sent her telegram channels with Ukrainian news and asked her to trust only them. He said that they are used there as cannon fodder, but according to Russian news, everyone is lying.
Marxism and Nationalism (Part II)
Here we republish the second part of an article the late Tom Lewis wrote for the International Socialist Review (Issue 14, October-November 2000), a publication for which he wrote frequently.
Five things we can learn from the life of Alain Krivine
A lot of the statements made on his death have remarked on the fact that Alain had not followed the path of many of the other sixty-eighters (soixantehuitards) who moved into the media, business, academia or politics but at a price of moderating their politics.
Marxism and Nationalism (Part I)
Here we republish an article the late Tom Lewis wrote for the International Socialist Review. Though written more than 20 years ago, Lewis’ insights on the right of oppressed nations to self-determination has renewed relevance during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Capitalism and the threat of World War III
We don’t see the children dying in Yemen, victims of a nearly decade-long war by a regime just as brutal as Putin’s, because the Saudi autocrats are Western allies. And the Yemeni children? They are from the Middle East.
Ukraine: Reflections on the Russian invasion from a socialist point of view
By Rolando Astarita, a Marxist economist at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, published this article on his blog, reprinted in Correspondencia de Prensa. The ISP translated it to English.
Problem of the Ukraine
We reprint an article by Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky about Ukraine’s right to self-determination, while it remained under the rule of Stalinism, written in 1939, when the outbreak of the Second World War was imminent – which demonstrates why the right to self-determination is key to revolutionary socialism.
Lenin’s letter to the workers and peasants of the Ukraine
We are opposed to national enmity and discord, to national exclusiveness. We are internationalists. We stand for the close union and the complete amalgamation of the workers and peasants of all nations in a single world Soviet republic.
Proviso students walk out to support teachers’ union
If the board decides to continue on a confrontational course, the Chicago labor movement will have to come to the aid of our brothers and sisters at Proviso.
No to war, no to imperialism
Already, the situation has significantly raised the danger of a broader military conflict in Europe. A full scale or even partial invasion of Ukraine will lead to death and destruction on an enormous scale.
GOP “Trumpism” will persist with or without Trump
Even if the U.S.’s main conservative party manages to distance itself from the chaos and corruption that Trump exudes, its Trumpiness will persist. That’s because it exists in an era of economic instability and political polarization that pushes it to make ever-more extreme positions a “new normal” in U.S. politics.
Lenin and the national question
Paul D’Amato, author of The Meaning of Marxism, explains how the Russian revolutionary Lenin approached the question of imperialism and national liberation.
The rulers of the great powers are playing with fire
It is not an exaggeration to say that what is currently happening in the heart of the European continent is the most dangerous moment in contemporary history and the closest to a Third World war since the Soviet missile crisis in Cuba in 1962.
Was there a Revolutionary Social Democracy?
The International Socialist Project is pleased to republish an article by Sam Farber in response to a new book by Eric Blanc, Revolutionary Social Democracy. Working Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917).
The strategic impasse of the Left inside the DSA
The real “strategic impasse” is that of those socialists who, finding themselves adrift and without serious organization, joined DSA in a vain hope that it could be influenced to become something it was never been set up to be.