
Analysis Middle East World

Pogroms and protests in Israel

It is undeniable that the situation for Palestinians has become more dire over the last decade. The Israeli state has shifted even further to the right. After decades of military occupation, polls and surveys suggest that about 60 percent of Jewish Israelis favour segregation from Palestinian Israelis, and that 60 percent identify as right wing (rising to 70 percent among those aged 18-24).

Marxist Education

Eric Blanc’s political metamorphosis

In a period of 8 years, Eric Blanc moved from being a keen critique of labor’s “suicidal subordination to the parties of the bosses” (2014) to the idea that the labor movement should engage in “some form of electoral alliance” with liberal Democrats (2022).


Video: Ahmed Shawki’s speech “Perspectives for the Left” from the 2013 Socialism conference

In this speech, Shawki describes the need for a sharp break from the narrow perspectives shared by most small revolutionary socialist organizations of the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s (and the vast majority, including the ISO, were very small) as necessary to break out from the margins of sectarianism, so that older generations of revolutionaries could reach out to newly radicalizing layers of people.

News Reports

Farewell to Ahmed Shawki

Ahmed was a sensational political orator, a great propagandist of revolutionary Marxist ideas. As an editor of his organization’s journal, he made International Socialist Review a “center” for Marxist debates with and international reach.

Analysis Europe World

Greece: A deep and menacing crisis

On the roots of this situation lies the social question, the explosive growth of social inequalities as a result of Mitsotakis’ ultra-neoliberal economic and social policies. Austerity in Greece is devastating, pushing the actual income of working-class households below 50% of the corresponding average for member-states of the Eurozone.