Marxist Education

Marxist Education

Is Marxism Eurocentric? (Part II)

In this two-part series, ISP’s Lance Selfa seeks to refute the “conventional wisdom” about Marxism that Marxism is “Eurocentric,” and, therefore, has little to say to the mass of the world’s population in the 21st century globalized world.

Marxist Education

Is Marxism Eurocentric? (Part I)

In this two-part series, ISP’s Lance Selfa seeks to refute the “conventional wisdom” about Marxism that Marxism is “Eurocentric,” and, therefore, has little to say to the mass of the world’s population in the 21st century globalized world.

Marxist Education

The myth of Lenin’s elitism

Lenin was fundamentally anti-elitist—not in the sense of anarchists who simply deny the necessity of leadership in struggle, but in the sense of grasping that leadership is a product of the uneven development of consciousness and activity in the working class…

Marxist Education

Marxism, unions, and class struggle

It is no coincidence that levels of class inequality today mirror those of the laissez faire capitalism of Gilded Era of the late nineteenth century, when robber barons enriched themselves by fighting tooth-and-nail against every attempt by workers to organize into unions.

Marxist Education

Lenin and today’s resistance

Change the World Tens of thousands of young activists have taken to the streets this summer and fall. The response to the minimal slap on the wrist for the police in the Breonna Taylor case is only the latest example of this movement. The marchers are not only calling for […]

Marxist Education

How should socialists approach the 2020 elections?

A number of recent articles on this web site have spelled out an overall assessment of the 2020 elections and explained why we consider opposition to the Democratic Party to be a fundamental cornerstone of class politics. The purpose of this article is to explain socialist strategy and tactics in […]

Marxist Education

Imperialism, nationalism, and war

The understanding of the nature of the world system is, or should be, a central question for the Left in the United States. We live in what the Left used to call “the heart of the beast”—the largest world power on the planet—armed to the teeth with weaponry capable of […]

Marxist Education

A Marxist view of America: an activist’s reading list

The tsunami of demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd has awakened an interest in revolutionary ideas and strategy. Militants are confronting sharply posed issues such as what type of society could actually “defund the police” and can the Democratic Party take us even one inch of the way towards […]

Marxist Education

Marxists and Elections

Paul D’Amato, former managing editor of the International Socialist Review and author of Meaning of Marxism surveys how Marxists have approached elections in this article originally published in the ISR in 2000. The article is especially relevant in the current period as many on the US left, including former leading […]

Marxist Education

The return of Karl Kautsky?

This article is based on a presentation to the International Socialist Project in December, 2019. For those on the revolutionary left, Karl Kautsky seemed like little more than an historical figure. Someone whom your Marxist education would expose you to, but someone you’d never think would become a reference point […]

Marxist Education

Plekhanov: an alternative assessment

Reading the literature of not only academic Marxism, but also of the Marxist tradition overall, it would be easy to conclude that Plekhanov, the founder of the Russian Marxist movement, had very little, if anything, to contribute to Marxism. Indeed, if his name is mentioned at all, it is to […]

Marxist Education

Unity with whom and to what end?

“Unity” is a tricky slogan. Every trade unionist knows that the foundation for a successful strike is unity in the ranks—if a majority supports the strike, all workers, no matter how they voted, must honor the picket line and not cross. That’s a pretty clear-cut case where unity advances the […]

Marxist Education

How to fight the far right

After the big mobilizations against Nazi hate in Boston and the Bay Area last month, there has been a flurry of attacks against violence. Not against far right violence—instead, the attacks have been against those committed to stopping the Nazis. Hard as it is to believe after the string of […]