China has long seen high-speed economic growth tied to property investment. That model is now failing.

China has long seen high-speed economic growth tied to property investment. That model is now failing.
Successive US presidents vowed to learn from the Vietnam war, relying on technology, ‘smart’ weapons and local proxies instead of US troops on the ground. Yet still they embark on unwinnable conflicts.
There seems to be no evidence to justify the claim by some mainstream optimists that the advanced capitalist world is about to experience a roaring 2020s as the US briefly did in 1920s after the Spanish flu epidemic.
The ISP is proud to publish this translation of a reflection on Open Veins, 50 years later, written by the Argentinian Marxist economist Claudio Katz, and presented at the International Seminar marking 50 years since the publication of Open Veins.
The Jacobin effort is not a project designed for socialists to understand how better to recruit workers to socialist organizations. It’s a project designed to advise progressive Democrats about how to win more elections to the U.S. House and state legislatures.
The mainstream media are full of interpretations on the deep meanings of the vote and the long-term prospects of the two ruling-class parties. Yet, the explanation for the November results is pretty simple, and it starts with last November’s national election.
Israel and its lobby groups have long attempted to discredit, defund and disrupt the work of Palestinian human rights groups like those declared illegal last month.
“The apparently unquenchable thirst for profits of big pharmaceutical companies, like Pfizer, is fueling an unprecedented human rights crisis.”
“The idea that Manchin is to blame for killing the billionaires’ tax is too convenient,” argued a journalist who spoke with party aides about the moribund proposal.
Since 9/11, thousands of taxi drivers have accrued massive debt largely due to the city artificially inflating the cost of taxi medallions, the permits required to drive a taxi.
The war, based on a lie that Iraq harbored “weapons of mass destruction”—of which none were found—killed hundreds of thousands. For that, Powell and the other architects of the war should have found themselves in the dock at a war crimes tribunal, rather than being hailed as elder statespersons.
It is the largest strike in the country since the Chicago Teachers Strike in 2019 and the largest private sector strike since the General Motors walkout in the fall of that year. This means that it’s important to follow this strike carefully.
An interview conducted by DEA (Workers’ Left) in Greece with Miguel Urbán — a comrade from Anticapitalistas in Spain who is also elected to the European Parliament — about the current situation in “Fortress Europe.”
A company based in a tax haven can have assets anywhere in the world. On the other hand, what appears as foreign direct investment in tax haven countries has no counterpart in real productive investment.
The Sandinista revolution started as an extraordinary experience of social liberation and renewal of national dignity in a dependent country whose status as a backyard for US imperialism had been accepted by its authoritarian, dynastic rulers for decades.