Month: May 2023

Analysis Latin America World

Chile: In free fall. Reformist defeat reloaded.

On May 7, the Chilean right scored a major victory in elections to choose delegates to draft a new constitution for the country. The conservatives, who mostly want to maintain the current constitution drawn up under the Pinochet dictatorship, have more than the 60 percent support in the constitutional council they need to write the new constitution without having to offer any concessions to the left.

Analysis Global Economy World

G7: Where is that recession?

Marxist economic theory suggests that slumps will happen when the profitability of capital starts falling; eventually leading to a fall in total profits in an economy.  Those profits can further be squeezed by increases in the cost of capital i.e. interest costs on borrowing. 

Marxist Education

Why workers need their own party (part 1)

When we say that the Democratic Party is a bourgeois party, it’s because no matter who votes for it—and the majority of Democratic voters are workers—the party apparatus itself is set up to reflect, and to some extent, organize, the political interests of the capitalist class.

Analysis World

Desperate journeys. Sick system!

There are by now an estimated 100 million people globally who have fled their homelands or become internally displaced by war, political repression or ethnic violence; by environmental destruction or economic collapse; or in many cases, by lethal combinations of these modern plagues.


What has become of the left?

A large part of the left often seems ashamed of having at one time defended egalitarian politics. The extent to which many left-wing leaders go to pretend that they have never defended these politics, or that they are not to much of an irritant the economic powers-that-be, has led them to adopt ways of intervening in politics with people and parties that was characteristic of those on their right.