Analysis, Europe, World

Goodnight Golden Dawn

Greek fascists found guilty while the people flood the streets

October 7, 2020 is a day that will go down in history. The judges declared that the neo-nazi group of Golden Dawn is a criminal organization, in what has been described as one of the most important trials against a fascist organization since World War II. 

Golden Dawn, a Nazi paramilitary gang that has engaged in criminal violent activities since the 80s-early 90s, rose disturbingly after 2010, entered the Greek parliament and tried to terrorize immigrants, leftists, anarchists, LGBTQ people, etc. In the global context of a rise of far-right parties or right-wing populists who (pretend to) “play by the rules” of liberal regimes, the world witnessed in Greece the rather unique rise of a group that enjoyed parliamentary representation and a mass following and combined it with an openly fascist ideology and criminal violent “squadrismo” in the streets. This is no longer the case. In the elections of June 2019, they were finally kicked out of parliament (failing to pass the 3% threshold). During the 5 years of the trial, they have been through a series of splits, political crises and organizational disintegration. The court ruling delivered the final blow, in a historic decision, crippling their prospects of any “rebirth.”

The court ruling of October 7 delivered justice and vindication. 

For Pavlos Fyssas, aka Killah-P: the antifascist rapper who stood defiantly against a Nazi “batallion” in order to protect his friends and was brutally murdered on September 18, 2013. Back then GD was on the rise, and his sacrifice turned the tide and paved the way for the subsequent fall of GD. A sampled lyric in one of his songs, that roughly translates as “There is no way I will be afraid” became a slogan, a sticker, a hashtag. “Pavlos lives!” became a battle cry for the antifascist movement and thousands of (not only) young people.     

For his mother, Magda Fyssa: a tragic figure turned into a unique hero and an inspiring antifascist symbol through her admirable persistence, resilience, and combativeness in pursuit of justice these past 7 years—since the murder of her son. The mother who once declared that “I lost a child, but I found thousands more.” The beloved woman that is known as “the mother of all of us.”

For Sahzat Luckman: the previous victim of deadly nazi violence. He was simply riding his bike on his way to work on January 17, 2013 when he was brutally murdered by 2 GD members. He was dark-skinned and he was not Greek, so—tragically—his murder didn’t provoke the same widespread condemnation. 

For Hadim Hussein, Sahzat Luckman’s father: He traveled from Pakistan to Greece to seek justice for his son. An imposing and highly respectable figure during the trial, always present on the court (though his son’s case had been tried separately in the past), on the side of Magda, on antifascist protests, with a deafening silence until he whispered “We have won” on the October 17.

For all the victims of neo-Nazi violence during the past 30 years and their loved ones. 

For all of us who participated in the struggle against fascism all these years: “Veterans” who have spent their time and energy confronting Golden Dawn since the early 90’s. Subsequent generations of activists ever since, people who made the choice to not tolerate fascism and stood against it all these years. In the streets, in their schools, in their neighborhoods, in their working places. Each and every one of them, putting a small stone in building the wall that stopped the Nazis today.  

We should also note the role of the activist lawyers who jointly formed the “Civil Action” during the trial. They waged a hard legal battle during the past 5 years. The brave witnesses, who defied open threats or friendly advice to “mind their business” and willingly presented themselves to testify. We should also mention the voluntary journalist networks that covered the trial while the Mass Media remained silent about it. Their commitment and efforts were amazing, and the result was not a given. The Prosecutor had suggested the acquittal of all charges for GD members and leaders, in a last ditch attempt of sectors of the so-called “deep state” to save their thugs and as a final reminder that no trust can be put in the hand of the “Justice System” to do the work on its own. As defendants of the Nazis admitted in court, “without the Civil Action lawyers, you would not have a case.” 

They all did their part in the courtrooms while the rest of us did ours on the streets. We shall never forget the massive antifascist revolt when thousands of people (and not just the “usual suspects” of antifascist activity) protested outside GD Headquarters all around Greece when news spread that Pavlos was murdered. This mobilization played a big part in “forcing the hand” of the state to press charges against the Nazis, after years and years of protecting them. 

But on the October 7, the judiciary acknowledged officially what the antifascist movement has been crying out for years: They are criminals!

All the leadership of GD was found guilty of being members of a criminal organization. Michaloliakos, the long-time “Fuhrer” of the group, and all his senior henchmen were found guilty of directing a criminal organization. The GD “batallion” of Nikaia (the most notorious one for years) was found guilty for the murder of Pavlos Fyssas (except two of each members). The bastards who attacked Egyptian fishermen were all found guilty for attempted murder. The thugs who attacked Communist Party unionists while they were putting up posters in a “disputed” area, were found guilty (though only for inflicting serious injuries and not attempted murder). The verdict not only cripples Golden Dawn and its “Fuhrer,” but also the political prospects of its various splits, all of them recently founded by Michaloliakos’ former senior henchmen, when each of them tried to jump off the sinking ship like the rats they are. All guilty! 

Outside the courtrooms, from early in the morning, those who believe in solidarity, those who believe in antifascism had made more than clear that the people had already decided before the judges. They massively demonstrated their verdict: “The people demand to put the Nazis in jail!” It was the biggest antifascist demonstration that most of us had seen in our lifetimes. It was one of the biggest protests of the last years in general. For once, all forces of the Left rallied together, and stood shoulder-to-shoulder. Trade-unions, schools, universities, radical left organizations, anarchist groups, feminist collectives, artists, football fans, everyone called to the protest and tens of thousands responded. The police announced 20,000 protesters. It’s a gross underestimate: A human antifascist river filled the long Alexandras Avenue and spilled over surrounding streets and alleys. It was hard to take a single step because of the density of the crowd! 

The size, the passion and the vitality of the protest evoked memories of the most inspiring and uplifting moments of the recent history of social resistance in Greece. The mighty thunder of celebrations and cheers when the verdict was announced via megaphones was electrifying and thrilling. This was our collective cry of vindication and joy. 

Meanwhile, the government decided to implement in practice its discourse about the “existence of two extremes, which are equally dangerous.” This kind of discourse was promoted by members of the governing party during the last few days—as the trial was coming to its closure, in order to equate Nazi terror with left-wing militancy. So, while the judiciary was condemning the fascist criminals, the police unleashed a completely unprovoked assault against the tens of thousands of antifascists who were gathered to demand the condemnation of the fascist criminals. The sheer size of the protest reminded those who rule that there is a force to be reckoned with. It also reminded those who are ruled that they are powerful when they mobilize. So the government tried to “banish” this “demon,” with an attempt to terrorize the people who took to the streets and felt self-confident. The goal was to send the message “don’t get any ideas.” 

A few seconds after the verdict of the trial was announced, while the cheers and celebrations were still ongoing, water cannons started spraying the crowd and then the riot police started throwing tear-gas. The riot police was deployed in Alexandras Avenue in full gear; they attacked the protesters and—having the support of 4 (!) armored vehicles with water cannons—they chased them for hundreds of meters away from the courtroom and in surrounding streets. It was more than obvious that there was a plan and a command from above to clear the streets. 

But it was also more than obvious that police agents were more than ready to follow these commands, displaying “excessive zeal” in their tasks. The cops were obviously disappointed by the court ruling against their Nazi friends and frustrated by watching antifascist celebrations in front of them. The police operation against protesters seemed more like a “revenge.” 

But the tears caused by pepper-spray pale into comparison with our tears of joy today. 

Let the mainstream media keep circulating over and over photos of a couple of bins in the middle of the street and a few burned remains here and there after some Molotov cocktails were thrown during the retreat of the protesters, in order to scream “Violent protesters!” The photos that encapsulate the meaning of October 7 are the amazing views of the sea of people protesting against the Nazis that circulate the internet. And the pictures of Mrs. Magda, finally redeemed, finally vindicated, raising her fists outside the courthouse and shouting, “Pavlos, you did it! You did it my son!”

No matter how hard they tried to cancel our day of protest, to refuse us the right to celebrate our victory, thousands and thousands of protesters regrouped and marched from outside the courtroom to Syntagma Square, downtown Athens, outside the Greek Parliament.  

The trial will have a few more episodes. The Nazis’ legal defense will present “mitigating factors” and a decision has to be made on the penalties. We must demand and push for the highest penalties possible and the exemplary punishment of all those found guilty.

The struggle against fascism, racism, intolerance and bigotry of course does not end here. We have many fights to give, as long as the system that produces and benefits from these vices remains in place. But the people with whom we can wage this struggle showed up today and declared that they are present. The verdict against the Nazis was a big breath we took: the word “Victory!” circulating in the mouths of thousands of people is something precious and invaluable in the hard times we are living. But the other big breath we took today was the images of the streets outside the courtroom, and also on the streets of many cities and towns all around Greece that were filled with protestors, a display of our collective strength. 

We will need to deploy this social force again and again, in the coming struggles. We know that we have a long way of fighting against all kinds of injustice ahead of us. But just for today, we can sit back and smile happily, for a change. Pavlos Fyssas: Presente! We did our part brother. And they did not pass. 

Panos Petrou is a member of DEA (Workers' Left) in Greece.