The Boeing strikers voted, by a 64% majority, on October 23 to reject the company’s latest contract proposal. This is a significant development in the most important workers’ struggle in the country today.

The Boeing strikers voted, by a 64% majority, on October 23 to reject the company’s latest contract proposal. This is a significant development in the most important workers’ struggle in the country today.
Recent days have made it clear that Hezbollah’s perception of “mutual deterrence” between it and the Zionist state did not sufficiently take into account the unequal nature of this deterrence (a miscalculation similar to Hamas’s, albeit much less serious), and that its perception of the commitment of its sponsor in Tehran to defending it was also illusory, as Iran responded to the repeated attacks that Israel has been launching directly against it only once, last April, and in a manner that was almost more symbolic than harmful.
The people of Britain wanted to oust the Tories at any cost. In this regard, they cast a vote of hatred and disgust against the Tories rather than a vote of hope and optimism for Labour. The situation is the inevitable result of Tory policies over the last 14 years, which have desperately worsened the conditions of toiling Britons.
Bolsonaro is making it clear for the fraction of the ruling class that has gone over to the opposition in the last forty days that he will not accept the result of the elections if he loses. He will not respect the rules of the liberal-democratic regime…
While the criminal blockade has been very real and seriously damaging, it has been relatively less important in creating economic havoc than what lies at the very heart of the Cuban economic system: the bureaucratic, inefficient and irrational control and management of the economy by the Cuban government.
Kevin Moore interviewed by the ISP’s Bridget Broderick. This interview was conducted on February 1.
We live in a time of peril and promise. The crises that face our world can seem overwhelming. An impending climate catastrophe. A global emergency of refugee displacement and migration. Wars rendering whole countries unlivable. The imposition of vicious austerity measures that have robbed working people of their rights and […]