

How Jimmy Carter paved the way for Reagan

When socialists look at the Carter years, we should reject the shallow score-keeping that obsesses the Washington elite. For us, Carter was a terrible president—but not because he was ineffective or preachy in his public pronouncements. He was terrible when he was effective because much of what we have come to call the “neoliberal” era began under Carter, rather than Reagan.


When Afghanistan was red!

In official writings and textbooks, the civil war in Afghanistan began on December 24, 1979, when Russian (Soviet) troops entered the country. However, an entire period before that, up to April 1978, has been obliterated from the pages of history.

History Marxist Education

The legacy and relevance of Lenin after 100 years

Lenin, in the final analysis, like every other human being, was the product of his times. But he was not an ordinary product. He was one of those few extraordinary people who are not only able to grasp the objective process of history, but also able to give a logical and conscious expression to this unconscious historical development—hence altering its very course.


Tecumseh and a united Indian resistance

In honor of Indigenous People’s Day this week, we reprint here an article originally published in Socialist Workerin 2010, telling the story of the Native American leader Tecumseh and his vision of uniting Indian tribes into a single confederation.