The aim of the January 6 assault was to nullify the popular vote through a violent intervention during the Electoral college ratification… its aim was not to fight for more democracy but to impose the will of a minority whose primary goal was to reestablish white supremacy in the U.S.
Biden’s first 100 days: An assessment
So far, the “left” has stayed pretty much in Biden’s camp, and have put little pressure on him or the administration. It’s clear that they are playing a supportive role to the administration and the congressional Democrats.
The Trumpification of American politics?
Undercurrents of racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and social conservative politics have long coincided among the Republican base with the economic conservatism that more upscale voters support.
GOP crackup? Not likely
In an atmosphere of continued political polarization and of GOP expectation that it will regain the congressional majority in 2022, there is no incentive for Republican politicians or operatives to drive a wedge through its ranks.
The limits of Biden’s plan to “rescue” US foreign policy
Biden wants to draw a sharp contrast with Trump, but their foreign policies share similar assumptions, especially that of seeing China as the U.S.’s main competitor, economically and militarily, in the future.
Statement of ISP on current Washington events
However shocking, these events shouldn’t surprise us. In the last few years, our sense of what is politically “normal” has been stretched.
Trump’s election challenges disintegrate
The fact that Trump has failed miserably in his attempt to overturn the election doesn’t mean that he will give up trying. Some impulsive gimmick such as a “Counter-Inauguration” is certainly on the cards.
Trump lost, but no “blue tsunami”
The only thing that can alter that course of events is mass struggle, and a genuine commitment to political activity independent of the Democrats’ electoral calculations.
Trump on the Home Stretch
Three weeks before the election, the chatter of the 24-hour news cycle confuses more than it explains. This article will argue that underneath the chatter and against a backdrop of a marked decline in working class living standards and resurgence of COVID-19, Trump and his advisors have formulated an overall […]
Does the U.S. face a crisis of democracy?
It’s common today to hear pundits declare that the U.S. is facing an “unprecedented” crisis of democracy. Liberals at the MSNBC network have banged on for years about how “Russian interference” in the 2016 and 2020 presidential election poses an existential threat to U.S. democracy and sovereignty. At […]
Pulling punches on the so-called “dirty break”
Many Leftists in the US, including some former advocates of independent politics, have embraced the idea of socialists running on Democratic Party ballot lines. (Some have gone even further, urging a vote for Joe Biden.) The argument has been that this will give our side time to build up our […]
Getting Ready for the November election crisis
Trump prepares his crisis Donald Trump gave a clear outline of his post elections plans in the first of the TV Presidential debates. Trump will send teams of thugs to polling places under the guise of poll watchers. Mail-in ballots will be denounced as frauds and counterfeit. A bottomless pit […]
A difficult period for the working class
The International Socialism Project has held a series of discussions on the rapidly changing US political scene. This article is based on an introduction made to a meeting on September 13. It covers three points: Trump and the far right, the mood of the working class, and the state of […]
Elections in a time of multiple and deepening crises
In one of the most volatile political years in a generation, the stability and even predictability of the presidential election has stood out. On March 8, a few days after the Super Tuesday Democratic primary and before the full national weight of the COVID-19 pandemic asserted itself, former Vice President […]
“The two governing parties are presiding over a failed state”
Interview with Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins The Green Party, at a virtual convention completed on July 11, nominated the ticket of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker to run in the U.S. presidential election in November. To find out more about the candidates and their platform, visit their campaign […]