There is no denying that we face a dismal situation, in which many millions of pregnant people have been stripped of their reproductive rights, while the right wing is chomping at the bit to attack a host of other civil rights.
United States
Labor Notes conference: A force to be reckoned with
Four thousand trade unionists gathered in Rosemont, Illinois, this past weekend. The occasion was the conference of Labor Notes, a left labor magazine and current. The purpose of this article is to explain why this conference was such an important event.
Medicare for All could have prevented more than 338,000 US Covid deaths: Study
With Medicare for All, the U.S. also could have avoided $105.6 billion in healthcare expenses associated with Covid-19 hospitalizations over the course of the pandemic, the study says.
Right-wing Supreme Court poised to make US gun carnage even worse
The court’s reactionary justices, most of whom were appointed by Republican presidents who lost the popular vote, are “potentially poised to take down one of the nation’s oldest and most restrictive gun-control laws this summer.”
21 Fallacies feeding ‘Cancel Culture’ and holding back the contemporary U.S. Left
Does the US Left have a “cancel culture” problem? Or is ‘cancel culture’ just a cynical right-wing bogeyman aimed at disparaging leftists, Millennials, and academia?
Revisiting U.S. war crimes IV: Vietnam (Part III)
This is the final installment of a three-part series by Joe Allen, “Vietnam: The war that the U.S. lost,” which first appeared as “From quagmire to defeat” in the International Socialist Review.
Revisiting U.S. war crimes IV: Vietnam (Part II)
Here, we feature the second of a three-part series by Joe Allen, “Vietnam: The war that the U.S. lost,” which first appeared as “From the overthrow of Diem to the Tet Offensive” in the International Socialist Review. The final installment will follow.
Revisiting U.S. war crimes IV: Vietnam (Part I)
Here, we feature the first of a three-part series by Joe Allen, “Vietnam: The war that the U.S. lost,” which first appeared in the International Socialist Review. The other installments will follow.
Abortion rights on the chopping block in the U.S.
The consequences, as always, will be most brutal for those who are young and poor or working class—which includes a disproportionate number of Black and Brown women—who do not have the financial means or the ability to take the time off work to travel far away to a state that still allows abortions.
The liberals’ war
The sort of anti-authoritarian politics that mainstream liberals embrace is long on bellicosity and short on policies or activism to address the erosion of working-class living standards and democratic rights.
Revisiting US war crimes III: Systematic torture as policy
Revelations of torture in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay persisted as the US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan continued, while the U.S. sent “suspects” to secret prisons in foreign countries to be tortured, a procedure it sanitized with the label “rendition”.
“When he was up there, we was signing people up”
The expectation of a strike wave in October, dubbed “Striketober”, was greatly exaggerated by both the mainstream and left press. Amazon, however, is the real thing. The sheer numbers involved show this is a real victory.
Revisiting US war crimes II: NATO’s 1999 bombing of the former Yugoslavia
Here, we reprint an editorial from the International Socialist Review examining NATO’s sustained bombing of the former Yugoslavia for more than two months in 1999, when civilians again paid the price.
Revisiting US war crimes: The 1991 Gulf War
The ISP reprints this article with the reminder of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King who, in 1967, called the U.S. government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”
Russian imperialism under Putin
Imperialist countries invade weaker nations and try to impose their rule over them. Once the world is divided up by the great powers, one imperialist’s gain can come only at the expense of another. That is the nub of the matter today.