Greek fascists found guilty while the people flood the streets October 7, 2020 is a day that will go down in history. The judges declared that the neo-nazi group of Golden Dawn is a criminal organization, in what has been described as one of the most important trials against a […]
Pulling punches on the so-called “dirty break”
Many Leftists in the US, including some former advocates of independent politics, have embraced the idea of socialists running on Democratic Party ballot lines. (Some have gone even further, urging a vote for Joe Biden.) The argument has been that this will give our side time to build up our […]
Getting Ready for the November election crisis
Trump prepares his crisis Donald Trump gave a clear outline of his post elections plans in the first of the TV Presidential debates. Trump will send teams of thugs to polling places under the guise of poll watchers. Mail-in ballots will be denounced as frauds and counterfeit. A bottomless pit […]
The threat of a Greco-Turkish War in the Eastern Mediterranean
A destructive Greco-Turkish war in the Eastern Mediterranean is not the most probable outcome of the competitions in the region, but it is a scenario whose prospects have been raised recently. In the waters south of the Greek island complex of Dodekanisos, south of the island of Crete and around […]
Chicago strikers fight for their patients
The largest strike taking place in this country today is the combined nurses and campus workers strike at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It represents one of the most important examples of united working class action in the time of Trump and COVID. What’s involved here? On Saturday, September […]
A difficult period for the working class
The International Socialism Project has held a series of discussions on the rapidly changing US political scene. This article is based on an introduction made to a meeting on September 13. It covers three points: Trump and the far right, the mood of the working class, and the state of […]
Elections in a time of multiple and deepening crises
In one of the most volatile political years in a generation, the stability and even predictability of the presidential election has stood out. On March 8, a few days after the Super Tuesday Democratic primary and before the full national weight of the COVID-19 pandemic asserted itself, former Vice President […]
Colombia: a nationwide uprising against police brutality
Colombia is engulfed in a nationwide uprising against police violence and government assassination of social movement leaders. The uprising erupted after September 9 when police detained and murdered lawyer Javier Ordoñez by repeated Taser shocks to his head. Police claimed they had to subdue Ordoñez after they were called to […]
Five years after SYRIZA’s rise: How did we arrive here?
In January 2015, SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) won the Greek general election and its leader, Alex Tsipras, became president on an anti-austerity platform. Almost immediately, and to the alarm of many left organizations in SYRIZA, Tsipras began backtracking, betraying all the hopes placed upon him by the millions […]
Slavery in the United States
The following is the first chapter of Ahmed Shawki’s Black Liberation and Socialism (2005). Footnotes have been removed. Other chapters of this book will be posted in the coming weeks. “Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc. […]
“The two governing parties are presiding over a failed state”
Interview with Green Party presidential candidate Howie Hawkins The Green Party, at a virtual convention completed on July 11, nominated the ticket of Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker to run in the U.S. presidential election in November. To find out more about the candidates and their platform, visit their campaign […]
The Democrats: Defenders of Empire
The following is chapter six of Lance Selfa’s The Democrats: A Critical History. The footnote references have been removed. One of the enduring truisms of American politics since the 1960s is the notion that Republicans are “strong on national defense” while Democrats are “weak.” In 2004, largely on this […]
A tribute to comrade Lal Khan
The following, written by FK, is taken from a pamphlet, Dr. Lal Khan (1956–2020): What a Heart Has Ceased to Beat!, published by the Asian Marxist Review as its Spring 2020 special edition. Lal Khan, who died in February 2020, was one of the founders of The Struggle, a Marxist […]
Supreme Court’s Abortion decision: a small victory amid a string of defeats
A movement is needed more than ever to defend a woman’s right to choose The United States Supreme Court, in another sharply divided abortion rights decision, struck down a Louisiana statute that would have required doctors performing abortions in that state to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. The requirement […]
Fighting for reproductive rights in the age of Trump
The Black Lives Matter movement has shaken US society to its core in 2020—and accomplished more in a matter of weeks of struggle than decades of waiting for Democrats to take action. The US Supreme Court is now preparing to rule on the most draconian anti-abortion legislation since the 1973 […]