Imperialist countries invade weaker nations and try to impose their rule over them. Once the world is divided up by the great powers, one imperialist’s gain can come only at the expense of another. That is the nub of the matter today.

Imperialist countries invade weaker nations and try to impose their rule over them. Once the world is divided up by the great powers, one imperialist’s gain can come only at the expense of another. That is the nub of the matter today.
The relations between Western powers and Russia have never been closer to war since WWII than after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, while the US and Russia was never closer to each other than in Syria after the chemical deal in September 2013.
Putin’s approval rating spiked after the 2014 annexation of Crimea, as it had fifteen years earlier with the bombing of Chechnya. An ideological climate of conservatism and nationalism has dominated the country for almost ten years, at least among older Russians.
As anti-choice policymakers across the country seek to severely restrict reproductive freedom, Republican lawmakers in at least four states this week advanced bills banning or limiting abortion access.
If the board decides to continue on a confrontational course, the Chicago labor movement will have to come to the aid of our brothers and sisters at Proviso.
Already, the situation has significantly raised the danger of a broader military conflict in Europe. A full scale or even partial invasion of Ukraine will lead to death and destruction on an enormous scale.
Even if the U.S.’s main conservative party manages to distance itself from the chaos and corruption that Trump exudes, its Trumpiness will persist. That’s because it exists in an era of economic instability and political polarization that pushes it to make ever-more extreme positions a “new normal” in U.S. politics.
It is not an exaggeration to say that what is currently happening in the heart of the European continent is the most dangerous moment in contemporary history and the closest to a Third World war since the Soviet missile crisis in Cuba in 1962.
The real “strategic impasse” is that of those socialists who, finding themselves adrift and without serious organization, joined DSA in a vain hope that it could be influenced to become something it was never been set up to be.
A Zanovo-media correspondent interviewed Ainur Kurmanov – one of the leaders of Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan.
This popular alliance will have a difficult task: to confront the newly radicalized right wing and its desire for anti-popular revanchism. That confrontation will take place in the streets and will draw on the lessons of self-defense learned decades ago…
Some commentators thought that Joe Biden as president would mean a Keynesian turn in the US. The same hopes and illusions had developed in the early days of Barack Obama’s presidency in 2009.
A recent article on this site analyzed the recent period in the US that many were calling Striketober. The purpose of today’s piece is to look at developments since then.
Earlier this year an investigative report from Yahoo! News revealed that leading figures in the US government had discussed the possibility of kidnapping or assassinating Assange during the seven years he was taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
The purpose of this presentation is to examine Striketober, the series of strikes that received a great deal of media attention this Fall.