Sharon Smith

Analysis Latin America World

Haiti’s people have never been allowed to control their own destiny

Just as European colonizers claimed that they were on a “civilizing mission” when they invaded, occupied, and plundered Black and Brown nations over a period of centuries, the U.S.’s stated aim of “helping” Haiti is likewise patently false. The U.S. has controlled Haiti’s destiny for over a century, and building a genuine democracy there has never been on the U.S.’s agenda.


“Genocide Joe”: Feminist silence is complicity

As such, imperialist feminism has reared its ugly head once again. Imperialist feminists have been around as long as imperialism itself—rooting for their own ruling class’s military escapades while repeating the jingoistic phrases used to justify any given war.

Analysis Politics United States

The left’s self-fulfilling prophecy: condemning Cornel West’s third-party challenge before it gets off the ground

An array of liberal and left-wing pundits is already blaming West in advance for the unpopular Biden’s (potential) loss to the (as yet unnamed) Republican candidate next year. Apparently, the conventional wisdom even among most self-described socialists is that it is our job to ensure Biden’s victory, even though he has done nothing to earn it.

Analysis Social Issues United States

Supreme Court exposes U.S. democracy’s inner rot

It is no exaggeration to say that the Supreme Court’s legitimacy is teetering toward the edge of a cliff. But the right-wing fanatics currently enjoying a 6-3 supermajority in the Court do not allow such minor considerations (like accountability) to deter them from achieving their main goal: turning back the clock in U.S. society to the 1950s era, when LGBTQ people were forced to stay in the closet; college students were wealthy, Christian, and white; racial segregation still flourished; and, of course, abortion was illegal.

Art & Literature

Review: Memorial Day Massacre: Workers Die, Film Buried

The film, Memorial Day Massacre: Workers Die, Film Buried, available to view for free at your local PBS station until May 1, 2024, shows not only how U.S. corporations have historically used murderous violence to prevent workers from organizing into unions, but also why most workers are not aware of this history: The corporate media has systematically suppressed it from being reported to the public.

Analysis Social Issues United States Women

The ghost of Anthony Comstock

So far in 2023, state lawmakers have introduced a record-breaking least 483 anti-trans bills. Put differently, only four states have not done so. These include banning parents from allowing their teens to attend drag shows, barring insurance companies from covering gender-affirming medical care (already in use for several decades), and even making it illegal for parents and medical providers to dispense gender affirming care to minors.


It’s time to fight for abortion rights

Those who suffer the most from all these abortion restrictions are young and poor. The parental consent requirement puts the fate of pregnant teens in the hands of a parent who may be abusive, unsympathetic to their plight, or simply reactionary.

Analysis South Asia World

The empire has no clothes

The U.S.’ longest war in history—spanning four presidential terms, two Republican and two Democratic—finally ended on August 30th, having accomplished none of its goals and leaving Afghanistan’s population of nearly 40 million people, if anything, worse off than when it began.