

Video: Ahmed Shawki’s speech “Perspectives for the Left” from the 2013 Socialism conference

In this speech, Shawki describes the need for a sharp break from the narrow perspectives shared by most small revolutionary socialist organizations of the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s (and the vast majority, including the ISO, were very small) as necessary to break out from the margins of sectarianism, so that older generations of revolutionaries could reach out to newly radicalizing layers of people.

News Reports

Farewell to Ahmed Shawki

Ahmed was a sensational political orator, a great propagandist of revolutionary Marxist ideas. As an editor of his organization’s journal, he made International Socialist Review a “center” for Marxist debates with and international reach.

Analysis Europe World

Greece: A deep and menacing crisis

On the roots of this situation lies the social question, the explosive growth of social inequalities as a result of Mitsotakis’ ultra-neoliberal economic and social policies. Austerity in Greece is devastating, pushing the actual income of working-class households below 50% of the corresponding average for member-states of the Eurozone.

News PoV

Split in the NPA: “A change of epoch for the revolutionary left”

While the future of the tendency animated by former militants of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR), of which Olivier Besancenot is a member, is uncertain, François Sabado, historical leader of the LCR, who had seen the NPA as a broader formation that could envelope the LCR (he was a member of its leadership until 2015), looks back on this crisis.

Analysis China World

Inside China’s protests

Historically, students have been at the forefront of resistance to Communist Party rule. During the 1989 uprising, they played a leading role in the Tiananmen Square demonstrations, which acted as the social detonator for a nationwide strike movement. But after the movement was defeated, university campuses became tightly monitored and increasingly repressive.

Analysis East Asia World

The geopolitics of crisis in Northeast Asia

Ballistic missile launches by North Korea (which is developing a programto miniaturize nuclear weapons), the resumption of major joint military maneuvers between Washington, Seoul and Tokyo… Northeast Asia is once again a hotbed of tension in a region where all the major powers confront each other.