Month: March 2022

Analysis Europe World

Understanding Putin’s Russia

Putin’s approval rating spiked after the 2014 annexation of Crimea, as it had fifteen years earlier with the bombing of Chechnya. An ideological climate of conservatism and nationalism has dominated the country for almost ten years, at least among older Russians.

Marxist Education

Marxism and Nationalism (Part I)

Here we republish an article the late Tom Lewis wrote for the International Socialist Review. Though written more than 20 years ago, Lewis’ insights on the right of oppressed nations to self-determination has renewed relevance during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Marxist Education

Problem of the Ukraine

We reprint an article by Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky about Ukraine’s right to self-determination, while it remained under the rule of Stalinism, written in 1939, when the outbreak of the Second World War was imminent – which demonstrates why the right to self-determination is key to revolutionary socialism.