The only thing that can alter that course of events is mass struggle, and a genuine commitment to political activity independent of the Democrats’ electoral calculations.
Month: November 2020
Fightbacks in the workplace today
We can see where the areas of fightback are today: the small strikes, the hospitals, for safety during the pandemic in schools, and the Teamsters’ opposition.
Bolivia: Racism defeated, the birth of a new political cycle
The rank-and-file of the social movements seem to have arrived at a clear understanding that they cannot follow the same script as before in their relations with the government.
Radiance and sunset of Podemos – reasons for a farewell
Podemos has become a plebiscitary electoral apparatus that, while it represents a part of the left, although in a diminishing way, is an impediment to the development of popular self-organization.
Poland is in revolt against its new abortion ban
Having kept Poland in a state of constant anxiety about abortion since at least 2016, the conservatives now decided to push it further, again using the Constitutional Court.
The US economy – some facts
As we await the result of the US presidential election, here are some facts about the US economy within a world context.
Theorizing women’s oppression
Marx’s and Engels’s articulations of women’s oppression often contain contradictory components—in some respects fundamentally challenging the gender status quo while in other respects merely reflecting it.
Thirteen theses on the imminent ecological catastrophe and the (revolutionary) means of averting it
There is no solution to the ecological crisis within the framework of capitalism, a system entirely devoted to productivism, consumerism, the ferocious struggle for ‘market shares’, to capital accumulation and maximizing profits.
Women’s liberation: The Marxist tradition
European Marxists from Germany to Russia were often at the forefront of the fight for women’s liberation, while advancing Marxist theory on what was then called “the woman question.”
Review: The robbery of nature
A truly perverse element of capitalism is that it feeds on scarcity, thus planetary destruction can open up new markets, monetising products which were once freely available in abundance.
Mariátegui and Latin American Marxism
To the extent that Mariátegui is known in the socialist movement, he is recognized for applying Marxist analysis to the concrete reality of Perú, in specific, and, by extension, to the concrete reality of Latin America in general.
Capitalist agriculture and Covid-19: a deadly combination
Nearly all of the neoliberal project is organised around supporting efforts by companies based in the more advanced industrialised countries to steal the land and resources of weaker countries.
Marxism, unions, and class struggle
It is no coincidence that levels of class inequality today mirror those of the laissez faire capitalism of Gilded Era of the late nineteenth century, when robber barons enriched themselves by fighting tooth-and-nail against every attempt by workers to organize into unions.