Month: August 2019

Analysis Politics United States

Socialists and the Democratic Party

THE MASS outpouring of protest against Donald Trump and his policies has been inspiring, drawing out hundreds of thousands of people and creating a situation in which the possibilities for solidarity–in defending every group Trump attacks–have become more tangible. There is not only anger against Trump–and, of course, a great […]

Marxist Education

On the theory of permanent revolution

I hope that the reader will not object if, to end this book, I attempt, without fear of repetition, to formulate succinctly my principal conclusions. 1. The theory of the permanent revolution now demands the greatest attention from every Marxist, for the course of the class and ideological struggle has […]

Marxist Education

The origins of class inequality

In an English preface to one of his most important works, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Engels summed up succinctly what he and Marx meant by “historical materialism”: “I use… the term ‘historical materialism’… to designate that view of the course of history which seeks the ultimate cause and the great […]