A belated tribute to Ernesto Herrera, who died on 10 January 2024. The shock had to be absorbed. A comrade-friend, with a hyphen of fraternity and not of union, in order to respect his personal trajectory.

A belated tribute to Ernesto Herrera, who died on 10 January 2024. The shock had to be absorbed. A comrade-friend, with a hyphen of fraternity and not of union, in order to respect his personal trajectory.
It is with deep sadness that we must report the passing on January 10th of our dear comrade Ernesto Herrera, a lifelong revolutionary socialist from Uruguay.
The organizers of the current wave of Palestine demonstrations have put together a movement that is drawing in thousands of new young people; a movement that is effectively organized; a movement that is clearly focused on solidarity with Palestine; a movement that uses tactics and slogans that reach outward to new layers of potential support; and a movement that totally rejects antisemitism.
The Peruvian revolutionary peasant and indigenous rights leader Hugo Blanco, a long-time member of the Fourth International, died late last month. We translate and reprint a reflection on Blanco’s life from Pepe Mejía, a member of the editorial board of Lucha Indígena, a newspaper that Blanco founded.
According to reports, he was also harassed by the Pakistani Foreign Office during his stay in Greece, and his phone was confiscated last spring.
On June 1, the Supreme Court ruled that Glacier’s case could proceed in the Washington State Court System. This was a rejection of the union’s claim that its actions were protected by current labor laws.
Many Latin American and Caribbean migrants are fleeing poverty and political or criminal violence and repression in their home countries, some of it caused by decades of U.S. imperial policies and actions in the region.
Ahmed was a sensational political orator, a great propagandist of revolutionary Marxist ideas. As an editor of his organization’s journal, he made International Socialist Review a “center” for Marxist debates with and international reach.
While the future of the tendency animated by former militants of the Revolutionary Communist League (LCR), of which Olivier Besancenot is a member, is uncertain, François Sabado, historical leader of the LCR, who had seen the NPA as a broader formation that could envelope the LCR (he was a member of its leadership until 2015), looks back on this crisis.
We, like so many others, mourn Mike Davis’ death and celebrate his enormous political contributions over many decades.
The Federal Reserve is trying to increase unemployment and strip U.S. workers of the small gains in bargaining power they have achieved in the aftermath of the COVID economic lockdown. Robert Pollin joins Paul Jay on theAnalysis.news.
The revolutionary organization The Struggle is carrying out a bold campaign of material aid and popular self-organization throughout Pakistan. Here, we are publishing the interview of the campaign’s organizer and editor of Asian Marxist Review, Awais Qarni.
On Monday, Bello was taken to the Quezon City Police Station 8 but was transferred to Camp Karingal on the instructions of Police Brig. Gen. Remus Medina, district director.
Spectre’s Ashley Smith interviews Sasha, an activist in Feminist Anti-War Resistance about the war, its impact on Russian society in general and women in particular, and the debates among feminists about how to oppose imperialism.
Four thousand trade unionists gathered in Rosemont, Illinois, this past weekend. The occasion was the conference of Labor Notes, a left labor magazine and current. The purpose of this article is to explain why this conference was such an important event.