
Analysis Middle East World

The collapse of Zionism

Whether people welcome the idea or dread it, the collapse of Israel has become foreseeable. This possibility should inform the long-term conversation about the region’s future. It will be forced onto the agenda as people realize that the century-long attempt, led by Britain and then the US, to impose a Jewish state on an Arab country is slowly coming to an end.

Analysis Middle East World

The enemy’s progress

Destroying Hamas altogether was never a realistic goal. Hamas is much more than just its military wing. It has a broad popular base. It may be a rightist Muslim Brotherhood affiliated movement, but it’s a powerful rightist Muslim Brotherhood affiliated movement. All experience shows that even an invasion cannot eradicate organizations of this type. The IDF leadership and the Israeli intelligence organizations are fully aware of this.

Analysis Social Issues United States

‘A monstrosity’: Biden blasted over planned executive order on asylum

Biden’s order “would shut down asylum requests to the U.S.-Mexico border once the number of daily encounters hits 2,500 between ports of entry, with the border reopening once that number declines to 1,500,” according to The Associated Press—and various other media outlets that also cited unnamed officials who cautioned that the final figures could still change.

Analysis Middle East World

The destruction, starvation and death in Gaza are Israel’s defeat

Israel was defeated and is still being defeated, not because of the fact that at the start of the ninth month of this accursed war, Hamas has not been toppled. The emblem of defeat will forever appear alongside the menorah and flag, because the leaders, commanders and soldiers of Israel killed and wounded thousands of Palestinian civilians, sowing unprecedented ruin and desolation in the Gaza Strip. Because its air force knowingly bombed buildings full of children, women and the elderly. Because in Israel people believe there is no other way. Because entire families were wiped out.

Analysis Social Issues United States

Both major parties push racist immigration policies

If we look at the migrant crisis from outside the realm of grubby electoral politics, we see that the current crisis is the product of decades of U.S. imperialism and domestic political dysfunction. Decades of neoliberal economic “reform” have helped to destroy whole sectors of the Central American economies. U.S.-backed “drug wars” in Central America and Colombia have also contributed to flows of migrants fleeing paramilitaries. The U.S. and other imperialist powers have meddled in Haitian affairs for centuries. And U.S. economic sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela have made life unsustainable for millions in those countries.