
Analysis Movements United States

The strike escalates: UAW update 2

The mood of the strikers continues to be high. Chanting is frequent. There is constant honking by passing trucks and cars. The picket lines are well organized with captains, food and water tents, and all the other necessary supplies. Members of other unions are greeted warmly. Strikers are well briefed on the major objectives of the union at the bargaining table. The union’s escalating Stand UP strike strategy seems to be popular.

Analysis Movements United States

UAW strike update

The strikers’ mood is upbeat. A September 23 rally organized by UAW Local 551 at the Chicago Ford Assembly Plant is a good example of this. Workers, in their bright red UAW T-shirts, took part in a call and refrain chant. The organizer would call out the name of a section of the plant: trim, paint, etc. The workers would then respond, “Strike It Out!” It was clear at the rally careful preparations had been made if the plant was chosen to strike in the escalating strike program.

Analysis Middle East World

The new Syrian uprising

“These courageous women and men across the country have shown that the regime cannot bomb, starve, torture, gas and rape the Syrian people into submission. Despite everything they have been through, and in the absence of meaningful solidarity with their struggle, the dream of a free Syria is alive.”

Analysis Imperialism United States

Imperialism, racism and the atomic bomb

As Hollywood celebrates the release of Oppenheimer, protests have focused on the devastating impact of the Trinity atomic test in New Mexico on local Hispanic and indigenous communities. The protests have brought attention to the ongoing struggle of the communities for recognition and compensation, and the film’s whitewashing of racism during the development and testing of the bomb. 

Analysis Global Economy World

1.2% of adults have 47.8% of the world’s wealth while 53.2% have just 1.1%

The wealth pyramid shows that 62 million people out of a total of 4.4 billion adults in the world, or just 1.2%, had 47.8% of the world’s wealth while 2.8 billion adults (or 53.2%) had just 1.1% – a staggering level of inequality.  While the top 1.2% had average wealth after debt of well over $1 million each, the bottom 53% had well below $10,000 each, at least 100 times less.